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5 Questions with CMP’s Top 5 Mortgage Brokers in British Columbia – Rob Regan-Pollock

Every year, Canadian Mortgage Professionals (CMP) Magazine publishes a list of the top mortgage brokers in the country. The list consists of the brokers who submit their financial details in order to be ranked. At, we’re always on the lookout for best mortgage business practices. For this blog series, we contacted the top mortgage brokers in British Columbia and asked them what they attribute their success to.

Meet Rob Regan-Pollock. His Vancouver brokerage, Invis – Team Rob Regan-Pollock, ranked 7th in Canada in 2011 with over $124 million in funded deals. With over 19 years of experience, Pollock’s time in the industry has served him well. The reason he think he’s been successful: hard work and dedication. Keep reading to find out more.

1. How can you attribute your success to making the Top 5? 

Being in the business for a long time, along with hard work and dedication, are key aspects to our team’s success. We take our roles seriously and have high standards, and our business processes have proven to assist our clients. I joined this industry 20 years ago and I’m continuously adapting to stay relevant; this has helped me add value to my client services. The mortgage broker landscape has changed dramatically since I’ve started, so adapting to the changes and how my team advises clients is an ongoing evolution.

2. Do you have a niche that you service? 

Not really. At our firm, our clients are 90 per cent residential and 10 per cent small cap commercial (4 units or less). Eighty-five per cent of our business is Prime and 15 per cent non-conforming. We look at mortgages as a tool for clients to meet their real estate and financial goals and goals will vary depending where clients are in their life. A first-time homebuyer’s concerns will be far different than a pre-retiree’s. How our team consults will vary to assist clients with different needs.

3. What first got you interested in the mortgage business? 

A friend of mine was a managing broker and invited me for an interview for their residential division position, after I was laid off from working as an airline pilot. After a successful interview, I was sponsored to the take the Sub-Mortgage Broker’s Course. Soon after, I began as an assistant to the senior broker, where I learned on the job. A few years later, the senior broker left the firm and I became the managing broker. In 1998, I left that firm and focused on building my client base and my own team under a boutique firm that eventually merged with Invis in 2001.

4. What’s your personal mortgage product? 

National Bank All-in-One.

5. Fill in the blank. ‘If I weren’t in the mortgage business, I’d be _____.’ 

Working in the financial services sector as a financial advisor or private banker. I really enjoy working with people and I have a keen interest in business and finance. I can’t think of anything better than helping clients meet their financial goals.  

To learn more about Rob Regan-Pollock, visit his website or find him on Facebook.