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5 Questions with CMP’s Top 5 Mortgage Brokers in British Columbia – Susie Inglis

As you know, each year, Canadian Mortgage Professionals (CMP) Magazine publishes a list of the top mortgage brokers in Canada. At, we’re always on the lookout for best mortgage business practices. For this blog series, we contacted the top mortgage brokers in British Columbia and asked them what they attribute their success to.

Meet Susie Inglis. In the past two decades, her Vancouver mortgage brokerage, Dominion Lending Centres Mortgage Evolution West, has successfully funded more than $2 billion in deals. In 2011, Inglis ranked 10th in Canada on CMP’s Top 75 Broker list after finishing the year with over $101 million in funded deals. By focusing on building strong relationships with her clients, Inglis’ success is greatly attributed to her 18 years of experience working in the industry.

1. How can you attribute your success to making the Top 5?

I try to have a strong relationship with my clients and I take the time to discuss their future needs and plans. My business is largely based on repeat clients and a referral network from my past clients. When I conduct business, I look out for their future and not just the deal at hand. 

2. Do you have a niche that you service?  

No, not really. I treat every mortgage the same.

3. What first got you interested in the mortgage business?

I was apprenticing as an accountant, but I found the job too secluded and boring for my personality. I needed to interact with people more, so I switched into becoming a mortgage broker. I’ve always been a numbers person.

4. What’s your personal mortgage product? 

I have always believed in the variable mortgage rate. However, with recent qualification changes and the five-year fixed mortgage rate being so attractive, I’ve switched to the five-year fixed rate.

5. Fill in the blank. ‘If I weren’t in the mortgage business, I’d be _____.’ 


To find out more about Susie Inglis, visit her website.