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Ratehub logo
Ratehub logo est une entreprise fièrement détenue et exploitée par des Canadiens, dont les sièges sociaux sont situés à Toronto et à Montréal. Elle offre en exclusivité un taux hypothécaire fixe de 3,94 % sur 5 ans.

Five Days, Five Books: The Big Small Business Week Book Giveaway

In honour of Small Business Week, we’ve decided to help nurture the minds of our community and give away one book every day for the duration of the week. That’s right, five days, five books – FREE!

All you have to do is Tweet, Facebook, or Comment (on this blog) your all-time favourite business book (a reason would be great too!), and we will pick a winner at random each day!

Good luck, and may the (literary) force be with you!

–          RateHubbers