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Home of the lowest mortgage rate in Canada. is proudly Canadian-owned & operated, headquartered in Toronto & Montreal.

Thank You (Each and Every One of You)

2013 has been a great year so far for We’re the #1 mortgage site in Canada, in terms of search engine results, and we’re seeing an average of 300,000 users on the site each month – not bad for a little company that worked from a kitchen table, just a few years ago! We’re also being called upon by the press more and more, to discuss mortgage rates, trends, etc. and have worked on and finalized some pretty big partnerships this year. As the summer comes to an end, and we gear up for a busy fall, we wanted to take the time to thank everyone who has helped us get to where we are right now.

Our Mortgage Brokers

Without a doubt, we wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for the mortgage brokers who have joined our site and worked with us to help us better serve all of our users. Special mention goes to the brokers who appeared in our Mortgage Math series, as well as those of you who have pitched ideas and written guest posts for us. We’re happy to have any and all of you contribute, so keep the ideas coming! (Seriously, send your pitches to Cait anytime.)

Business Partners and Affiliates

The businesses and affiliates we have partnered with over the years are another reason we have been so successful. Not only do you help spread the word about who we are, you give your users, clients and friends access to our rates, tools and content. While we are always happy to provide you with new content and widgets, we are thrilled that you continue to want to share those things with your site users. If there are any widgets you think we should develop in the future, please let us know.

Friends in the Community

This includes friends both online and offline. From the real estate professionals (BuzzBuzzHome, RealtyQueenTO, Talk Condo, Brian Persaud, Mark Savel, Lauren Haw, Andrew LaFleur and more) to the personal finance bloggers, and everyone we chat with on a weekly basis, a community can’t be built unless there are people who want to be a part of it. Thank you for replying to our tweets, being active on our Facebook page, and sharing our content and tools.

The Media

Building relationships with the media isn’t easy; in fact, it takes time and requires a little patience. We want to thank everyone who believes in our site, trusts our content and opinions, and knows that we are passionate about giving Canadians access to up-to-date mortgage rates and information. We are always happy to share what we know and the tools we’ve developed, in hopes that more Canadians will make better financial decisions.

Our Employees

The team went through some major transitions this year. First, KL rejoined the team as Chief Marketing Officer (with Kingston at her side). Then Cait moved to Vancouver, hired Stacey and is growing the content team out there. Tasso signed on as Creative Director and is preparing to launch some new designs soon. Kurtis started learning how to code. Roji went back to school to do her Masters, so Rebecca took over that role. The dev team is still under construction (we’re hiring!). And we had some amazing summer interns help us through it all. Despite all the changes, everyone has worked tirelessly to get things done. You can read more about us all here.

Our Users

It goes without saying that the reason we do what we do each day is because of you – our users. You are the reason this company was started, you’re the reason we find the best mortgage brokers who offer the best rates, and the reason we develop new education centres and calculators as often as we do. Thank you for putting your trust in us, when you’re getting ready to make one of the biggest financial decisions of your life. If there’s anything you think we can do to make our site better, we’re all ears!

It’s incredible to look back and think of how far we’ve come. If 2013 is any sign of what’s to come, we can’t wait to see what happens next.

Thank you, again!