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15 Canadian Personal Finance Bloggers to Follow in 2016

UPDATE: For this year’s list, check out 15 Canadian Personal Finance Bloggers to Follow in 2017.

The new year’s already one month old and you’ve probably broken a financial resolution or two. To keep you motivated from breaking any more, we found a number of bloggers who are sharing their own personal finance stories.

They have inspiring stories on paying off debt, using credit cards more effectively, saving for a mortgage down payment, and much more. Some of them are thrifty, on a million-dollar journey, or are teaching you how to save money.

Here are 15 personal finance bloggers to follow this year:

Blonde on a Budget (Twitter)
Cait Flanders, our former managing editor, has managed to dig herself out of debt and is currently on a two-year shopping ban. Find out how she’s managed to turn her financial situation around by reading How I Paid Off $30,000 of Debt in Two Years and How I Let Go of 60% of My Belongings, and Learned to Accept 100% of Myself.

Boomer and Echo (Facebook | Twitter)
Mother and son team Marie and Robb Engen are both working towards an early retirement and write about that topic as well as investing and credits cards. Read: What’s The Right Amount of Retirement Income? and Financial Management By The Decade – The 50’s.

Canadian Couch Potato (Twitter)
Investment advisor Dan Bortolotti set up his blog to help Canadians learn more about index investing using mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). If you want to start investing without having to pay high mutual fund fees, check out his model portfolios.

Financial Uproar (Twitter)
Former real estate agent/mortgage broker Nelson Smith provides a humourous take on investing and personal finance. Some great reads include: The Easy Way to Create Your Own Real Estate Empire, Why You Need To Own Bonds In Your Portfolio, and Paying Off the Mortgage in 3 Years: Smart or Foolish?

Give Me Back My Five Bucks (Facebook | Twitter)
Krystal Yee’s been blogging about personal finance since 2007. She managed to eliminate $20,000 in debt in just one year. She writes about budgeting, saving, real estate, and being a smart shopper. Check out: 5 ways to diversify your income this year and From home ownership to renting.

Million Dollar Journey (Facebook | Twitter)
Who wouldn’t want a net worth of $1 million? That was the goal of the blogger known as Frugal Trader in 2006. His goal was to have a net worth of $1 million by the time he turned 35. Read: Completing The Million Dollar Journey to find out how he did it. Also check out some recent posts, such as Early Retirement on Dividend Income, which Province is the Best? and How to Save More Money with Less Effort.

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Jessica Moorhouse (Facebook | Twitter)
Jessica’s blog, which was formerly known as Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses, provides tips and advice on how to live a more financially balanced life. Check out: Best Websites to Watch TV Online for Free in Canada, Your Fear of Failure Is Holding You Back from Making More Money, and How Much Do Uber Drivers Really Make & Is It a Good Way to Make Extra Cash?

Money After Graduation (Facebook | Twitter)
Bridget Eastgaard is on a mission to make millennials rich. She’s passionate about money and has focused on increasing her income and paying off debt ($20,000 in student loans). Read: How to Share Finances With Your Partner, Why You Should Practice Poverty For One Week This Year, and 20 Things You Need To Know About Money In Your 20s.

Money We Have (Facebook | Twitter)
Barry Choi, one of our regular contributors, is a personal finance and budget travel expert. He always provides useful tips for readers, including 10 Ways to Make More Money, How to Prepare for Unemployment, and Are Gym Memberships Worth It?

Mr. Money Mustache (Facebook | Twitter)
Although he now lives south of the border, Mr. Money Mustache and his wife retired in their 30s (jealous?) and writes about how everyone can lead a frugal and life of leisure. Check out: Getting Rich: from Zero to Hero in One Blog Post, Luxury is Just Another Weakness, and If You’re Not Getting Rich in your 20s, You’re Doing it Wrong.

My Alternate Life (Twitter) contributor Jordann Brown started her blog to chronicle her journey out of debt. Since starting her blog, she’s paid off $38,000 in debt and now has a net worth of nearly $45,000. That’s amazing for someone who’s just 25. Read: I Gave Myself a $1,344 Raise, My Cash Diet, and How I Paid Off $38,000 in 24 Months.

My Own Advisor (Twitter)
Mark Seed started buying in mutual funds in his early 20s but later realized those management fees were eating into his investment returns. Now he’s blogging about his journey to financial independence. Read: 12 signs you can retire now (or you need to wait),  Three bad investing habits I’m going to kick this year, and Why living off your dividends or distributions works.

Urban Departures (Twitter)
Emily and Daniel Teo are keeping track of how they manage their money. They focus mostly on writing about personal finance, investing, and travel. Check out: Investing Advice for Millennials and A Winter Escape Cost Proposal.

Flickr: Serge Kij