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15 Canadian Personal Finance Bloggers to Follow in 2017

New year, new list. If you enjoyed this article, check out 15 Canadian Personal Finance Bloggers to Follow in 2018


It’s a new year and it’s a great time to review your financial goals for the year. If you’re looking for some encouragement to reach your targets, a number of personal finance bloggers can help.

They can provide you with inspiring stories about they’ve saved $1 million, paid off large amounts of debt, or learned how to invest. Here are 15 personal finance bloggers to follow this year:

Canadian Couch Potato(Twitter)
If you’re new to passive investing and want some ideas on how to build a portfolio using index funds or exchange-traded funds, check out this blog by investment advisor Dan Bortolotti.
What you should read:Smart Beta ETFs: Your Complete Guide and How Foreign Withholding Taxes Affect Returns

Canadian Finance Blog (Twitter)
Tom Drake started his blog to share his money experiments. His blog’s mission is to help Canadians make money, save money, invest money, and spend money wisely.
What you should read:Why You Should Use Your Raise to Increase Your Savings and What You Need to Know About Withdrawing RRSPs Before Retirement

Dividend Earner (Twitter)
This Vancouver-based blogger ditched his financial advisor and is focused on building a portfolio of dividend stocks for his retirement income.
What you should read:7 Dividend Investing Rules for a Strong Stock Portfolio and Investment Mistakes To Avoid

Financial Uproar (Facebook | Twitter)
Financial topics are usually boring but blogger Nelson Smith makes the subject matter much more entertaining.
What you should read:The Difference Between Frugal and Cheap is The Dumbest Argument in Personal Finance, How Much Do You Have to Save to Become a Millionaire?, and How Your Emergency Fund Will Cost You $149,816.73

Half Banked (Facebook | Twitter)
Desirae Odjick is writing about her plan to try to save half of her income.
What you should read:10 Things Millennials Need to Do With Their Money ASAP and Exactly Why (and How!) You Should Track Your Spending

Million Dollar Journey (Facebook | Twitter)
This blogger already reached his goal of having a net worth of $1 million. His next goal is to generate enough passive income to pay for his family’s recurring expenses.
What you should read:My Top 5 Financial Goals for 2017 and How to Transfer a Work Pension to a LIRA

Jessica Moorhouse (Facebook | Twitter)
Jessica Moorhouse is a millennial personal finance expert and host of the Mo’ Money Podcast.
What you should read:Here’s What Happened to My Finances After I Quit My Job and Want to Be More Purposeful with Your Money? Then Give It Away

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Money After Graduation(Facebook | Twitter)
Bridget Casey wants to help young professionals build long-term wealth.
What you should read:How To Cure Your Holiday Spending Hangover and How To Transform Your Finances In 12 Months

Money We Have (Facebook | Twitter)
Barry Choi, a contributor, provides both personal finance and travel tips.
What you should read:Taking the Next Steps to get You to Your Goals and Setting Financial Priorities

My Alternate Life (Twitter)
Jordann Brown started her blog to chronicle her journey out of debt and to show its possible to be a financially secure millennial.
What you should read:5 Financial Habits That Helped Me Increase My Net Worth by $100,000 and 50 Ways to Track Your Spending

My Own Advisor (Facebook | Twitter)
Mark Seed created this personal finance and investing blog to chronicling his journey to financial independence.
What you should read:Self-directed investing 101 and Our lofty goal to build a $1 million portfolio

Retire Happy (Facebook | Twitter)
Jim Yih and a group of personal finance experts blog about retirement and a number of other topics.
What you should read:2017 Financial Planning Guide: The numbers you need to know and CPP Payments: How much will you get from Canada Pension Plan in Retirement?

Urban Departures (Twitter)
Emily and Daniel Teo are trying to unravel the mystery of personal finance on their blog.
What you should read:The Millennial Guide to Buying a Home and Financial Philosophy: The Road Map for Making Financial Decisions

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