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Best of Golden Girl Finance: October 2014

Just like the season of spring is for cleaning, fall is for organizing and re-focusing. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up our favourite articles from the month of October to share with you.

Did you know that even Barbie has her own Instagram account? Indeed, but will that save Mattel from going broke? We’re not so sure. Considering going green as part of your investing strategy? Keep reading, because big banks are saying ‘yes’ to the environment. And then there’s that Canadian housing bubble that could be on the verge of bursting. But will it?

Find out this and more in our 5 golden content picks for the month of October…

From Sleek to Slum: When a Housing Market Falls Apart
They sure don’t build them the way they used to. That’s why some experts predict many of the more than 100,000 condo buildings under construction in Canada’s largest city will start deteriorating in as little as 10 years – and could be full-blown slums by year 50. What’s a condo-owner to do?

Why Goldman Sachs Says Going Green is Good for Business
When big banks start advocating for the environment, investors should take note. According to research by Goldman Sachs and other big names on Wall Street, sustainable business practices will make your company more profitable and save you money. Here’s the proof.

Barbie is Going Digital – and Mattel is Going Broke
Is this Barbie’s financial makeover? She has her own Instagram account – and it’s everything you’d ever dream it would be. Now if only the stock market could mirror its success…

The 4 Toughest Co-workers You’ll Meet in Your Career
Why can’t everyone just get along? Probably because we don’t yet know how to make working with these aggravating personality types, well, work. Here are some tips on how to deal with those frustrating colleagues.

Why This Woman Died Working Minimum Wage
Wage is just a number – until it’s everything. A 32-year-old Dunkin’ Donuts employee died while napping in her car between shifts. Why did this tragedy happen and what does the minimum wage debate have to say about it?