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Best of Golden Girl Finance: September 2014

The end-of-September edition of our financial wisdom and money media round-up is here!

Remember when the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was clogging up your newsfeed? You should know how it REALLY started, so we’ve included that story below. And how about those Calgary roommates who bought nothing, yes – nothing, for an entire year? It saved them over $50,000. Think you could do it? Keep reading to learn how they accomplished their no spending goal.

With summer officially over (sigh), we hope you successfully survived getting back into your boardroom routine and getting the kids off to school. Now, let’s get to it – here are our 6 golden content picks to kick-off the return of fall…

Lessons from the Buy Nothing Year: 6 Tips to Boost Your Savings
Could you buy nothing for an entire year? When Calgary roommates Geoffrey Szuszkiewicz and Julie Phillips began playing with the idea of scaling down their spending, they had no idea the attention their plan would attract – or that they would end up saving a cool $55,000 in the process. Here’s how they did it…

4 Things NOT To Do if You Win the Lottery
Pay attention to the spending patterns of these lucky winners and you might spot some unfortunate trends. Unsettlingly, many of their habits likely align with some of your own visions of grandeur. Here are a few of the more common mistakes to avoid…

How the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge REALLY Started
It began with a few pro golfers who were goofing around and dumping buckets of water on one another in support of charities of their choice. Then in June, a young man, who had been recently diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease), challenged family members to do the same in support of his own fund. He had no idea of the viral stir he was about to cause…

3 Activewear Brands that Won’t Cost You an Arm and a Leg
Does the thought of doling out a crisp C-note for a single pair of leggings make you physically ill? Rest assured, many emerging brands are gearing up to compete for your business. It’s only fair that we give them the recognition they so deserve…

5 Things You Missed in the Michael Kors Boardroom
The brand that wowed investors with its IPO is experiencing some serious ups and downs. This month, investor Sportswear Holdings dropped out of the handbag game and sold its 5.7 percent share in a secondary offering that left the luxury brand’s board short two executives. If they’re bailing, should shareholders? Let’s find out…

3 Authors that Will Inspire You to Write THAT Book 
Writing is one of those professions that you just don’t go into for the money. According to a 2014 global survey of more than 9,000 writers, 54% of traditionally published authors and almost 80% of independent writers are earning less than $1,000 a year. So who are some of the writers that are making millions and how did they do it? Let’s find out…