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Rent vs. buy: When is a mortgage better than rent in Canada?

This piece was first published on December 9, 2020, and was updated on January 27, 2025. 

Rent vs. buy – it’s one of those eternal questions that will be asked and answered by millions of Canadians in every generation. However, it’s not a simple question, even if your parents think it is!

You may have heard the conventional wisdom that rent is “dead money” - that you’re pouring money down the drain unless you buy a place. It’s not really a fair comparison though. The truth is that even a house that you own, with or without a mortgage, has a certain level of so-called “dead money” associated with it. So from a financial perspective, the "rent or buy" debate is a lot more complex than “buy a home as soon as you can afford it” (and that’s without considering the drop in housing affordability in recent decades).

Here’s a little more guidance on the rent vs. buy debate in Canada. The short version is that it will depend on many factors, including your lifestyle, finances and the property market where you live (or where you want to live).

Renting vs. buying a home: pros and cons

The rent vs. buy issue is much more than a financial one. There can be big differences between the lifestyles of renters and homeowners that you need to consider alongside your finances. Here are some of the advantages of both renting and buying a home that take into account both lifestyle and financial issues.

Advantages of renting

  • Flexibility: Renting doesn’t tie you down in any way. If you plan to move soon, or regularly throughout your life, renting lets you move out of a place as soon as your initial lease is over, typically 12 months. With a mortgage, this isn’t really possible, as there are financial penalties when you break a mortgage and taxes to pay whenever you sell a property.
  • Less hassle and maintenance: Owning a home isn’t just a drain on your wallet. The daily maintenance and upkeep of a home will demand many hours of your time, as well as a few extra dollars on top. Renting transfers this responsibility to your property manager and/or landlord, freeing up your time for more productive work.
  • Cheaper: Renting is generally cheaper than a mortgage, at least in the short term. If your household income isn’t high enough to afford a mortgage, then renting is typically a more affordable option. To purchase a property, a homeowner must have at least 5% of the home’s price saved up as a down payment; renters, on the other hand, usually just need first and last month’s rent to secure their unit. Alternatively, if homeownership simply isn’t for you, renting can give you more disposable income to spend or invest.
  • Access to alternative investments: Being a renter doesn’t mean you have to forgo investing in your future. The additional cash you can save by renting can be invested in the stock market, a GIC, your own education or toward starting a business. Some of these could pay off even more than owning a home could, if you work hard and are a bit lucky!

Advantages of buying

  • Stability: Owning your home means you call all the shots. If you want to paint, replace the floor, renovate or add an en-suite, you don’t need to ask a landlord or property manager*, you just do it! Owning your home also means you won’t get suddenly evicted because your landlord’s second cousin’s 19-year old daughter needs a place to live when they’re at university for 6 months each year**.
  • You retain capital gains: If your home increases in value, being the homeowner means you will pocket the additional home equity, and realize the capital gains if you choose to sell (minus capital gains tax). If you were to be renting, the only one to benefit would be your landlord – if you’re really unlucky, a price rise could see your landlord sell the home, or increase your rent! Of course, the flip side of this is that if prices fall, it’s the homeowner that’s on the hook, not the renter.

    Also read: How will the 2024 Federal Budget impact mortgage borrowers?

  • Building up equity: With a mortgage, every monthly payment is helping you build equity in your home. While some of your mortgage payment goes toward paying the interest on your loan, the rest is paying off your mortgage principal. At the start of your mortgage, interest will make up more of your payment, but it will decrease over the years.
  • (Sometimes) cheaper: Buying a home will generally see you pay a higher monthly payment than you would pay in rent on the same home, at least in the beginning. However, that isn’t always the case, especially when you subtract the amount of your monthly payment that is going toward paying down your principal. You’ll need to run the numbers on your prospective home to be sure – our mortgage payment calculator can help with that.
  • Simple investment: Part of the allure of homeownership is the fact that it makes investing in your future simple. Pay off your home and you’ll have a guaranteed asset that can see you through your life – no need to worry about stocks, bonds or other financial products (unless you want to). It’s generally a safe bet, as property prices tend to be fairly stable (until they’re not, but that’s another story). If you want a simple long-term investment strategy, homeownership literally has one built in.

*You may need to ask your local council if you’re renovating.

**This is oddly specific, but it’s just a hypothetical, I promise.

What newcomers to Canada should consider about renting vs. buying

Starting a life in a new country often means adapting to unfamiliar systems, building your finances, and figuring out where you want to live. Here’s what you need to think about as a newcomer to Canada:

1. Duration of stay

If you’re not ready to commit to one city or province – maybe you’re still figuring out if you prefer Toronto’s hustle or Vancouver’s laid-back vibe – renting might be the smarter move. It lets you test the waters without being locked into a mortgage. On the other hand, if you’re planning to stay in Canada for the foreseeable future and feel settled in a specific area, buying a home might be worth exploring.

2. Financial readiness

Renting generally requires less upfront cash, making it ideal for those still building financial stability. You’ll need to cover the first and last month’s rent, whereas buying a home involves a substantial down payment, legal fees, and other upfront costs. Additionally, ongoing expenses like property taxes, home maintenance, and utilities are typically higher for homeowners.

3. Credit and mortgage eligibility

If you’re new to the country, your credit history might still be a work in progress, and that can make getting approved for a mortgage tricky. Renting gives you time to build your credit score, while you get used to Canada’s financial systems. However, if you’ve established good credit and can access newcomer-focused mortgage programs, buying may be within reach sooner than you think.

4. Market conditions

Canada’s housing market is a mixed bag. In some cities, like Toronto or Vancouver, the price tags on homes can make your jaw drop faster than the temperature in January. Renting can feel like a more reasonable option in high-cost areas. But if you’re in a city where prices are more manageable, buying might actually save you money in the long run – especially if you’re planning to stay put.

Read more- Lower rates improved housing affordability across most of Canada in 2024

5. Access to incentives

If you’re considering buying, explore the different programs designed for first-time homebuyers. For instance, the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) lets you withdraw up to $35,000 from your RRSP tax-free to put toward your down payment. While it’s technically a loan to yourself, it can help bridge the gap when savings are tight.

In provinces like Ontario and British Columbia, land transfer tax rebates are available for first-time homebuyers. These rebates can save you thousands of dollars, making a big difference when you’re dealing with other upfront costs like legal fees and home inspections.

Comparing the costs of rent vs. buying a home

Let’s compare the costs of a sample renting and owning scenario, assuming the following criteria:


  • 2-bedroom condo priced at $600,000
  • 20% down payment: $120,000
  • Total mortgage amount: $480,000
  • Interest rate: 5.09%

The above would result in a total mortgage amount of $480,000, with a monthly payment of $2,816, according to’s mortgage payment calculator.

We’ll also assume this home buyer pays $50 monthly for condo insurance, and has $608 in condo fees each month (based on an average of $0.64 psf, and a unit size of 950 sq-ft.) This homeowner will also pay annual property taxes of $6,540 (based on the City of Toronto multi-residential total property tax rate of 1.093384%), and $284 on utilities (the Toronto average).


Our renter, meanwhile, is renting a two-bedroom apartment for $3,100. They’ll pay $35 monthly in tenant insurance, and $284 for utilities, but will not pay for condo fees or property taxes.




Monthly payment




$50 (condo)

$35 (tenant)

Condo fees



Property tax






Total monthly cost



Amount paid over 5 years



Total equity built over 5 years



Overall, the cost to own a two-bedroom condo is more each month in this scenario, at $4,303 out of pocket, compared to $3,419. It also costs far more upfront to get into property ownership; our homeowner needed to have $120,000 saved up to put 20% down on their unit purchase.

However, after five years of making mortgage and cost of living payments, totalling $258,180, the homeowner now has paid $54,565 toward their mortgage principal, meaning roughly $910 of their monthly payment goes toward their growing equity. The tenant, meanwhile, has paid a total of $205,140 in living expenses over five years with no financial return.

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Rent vs. buy: The 5% rule

When people talk about renting vs buying a home, they often misunderstand and underestimate the costs of owning a home. The 5% rule is a decent rule of thumb for the rent vs. buy issue, but it will also help to clarify the real costs of renting and buying. It is a little complicated, but we’ll walk you through it step-by-step.

First of all, here’s the 5% rule itself:

The annual unrecoverable cost of owning a home is approximately 5% of the property value (whether you have a mortgage or not). If your rent is lower than that for a comparable home, you should keep renting. If rent is higher than that, you’re probably better off buying a comparable home.

Let’s unpack this a little.

Total unrecoverable cost

What is the total unrecoverable cost? The total unrecoverable cost is the amount of money you pay for a property that doesn’t result in residual value. In the case of paying off a mortgage, the residual value is the home equity that you build up over time, which is a financial asset that you can leverage in the future.

When you’re renting, the total unrecoverable cost is simply the amount of rent you pay. You don’t own the home, and your rent doesn’t go towards purchasing an asset or investment.

When you’ve bought a home, the total unrecoverable cost is more complicated. It’s made up of three different costs that cannot be recovered:

  • Property taxes
  • Maintenance on your home (not including renovations, which can increase the value of your home)
  • The cost of credit (see below)

The first two of these are simple enough to understand, but the cost of credit is a bit more complex. The cost of credit is either the cost of borrowing money with a mortgage (i.e. interest on your mortgage) or the opportunity cost of investing your money in a home, rather than more lucrative investments. The former applies to money that you still owe, while the second applies to your home equity. In either case, they are generally around the same amount, depending on factors including your mortgage rate and how much your home increases in price.

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Where does the 5% rule come from?

Here’s where the 5% comes from. Property taxes are around 1% of your home’s value each year, maintenance costs are also around 1%, and the cost of credit generally comes up to 3%. That means that the total unrecoverable cost from a house you own should be around 5% of the total value each year.

So, if you can rent for less than 5% of the value of a comparable home (calculated annually) you should probably keep renting, while investing the difference in an RRSP, TFSA or the stock market. If you can buy a home where 5% of the property value is less than the rent, buying is probably a good option.

Should you rent or buy?

As with most things, there are no easy answers to whether you should rent or buy – it depends on your lifestyle choices, the market where you live and your personal finances. However, there are a few general suggestions that might get you thinking one way or another:

  • When you expect to move regularly over the next few years (or most of your life) you might consider renting.
  • If you want stability in your home, including the option to renovate, you will probably want to think about buying a home.
  • When your yearly rent is less than 5% of the cost of a comparable home, you might consider renting and investing the difference.
  • If you’re paying rent that is more than 5% of the price of a comparable home, you might consider buying a home.

The bottom line

The key thing to remember is that there is not necessarily a better or superior alternative to renting or buying. Even a fully paid-off home represents an opportunity cost and has overheads that you will need to pay in perpetuity. Renting can give you the flexibility to make other investments and be more responsive to opportunities that come up in your career, or in other areas of your life.

If you’re confused about what the best choice is for you, it’s probably a good idea to speak to a financial advisor or mortgage broker about your options.

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