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  • Alterna Bank is one of Canada’s most popular alternative banking institutions. This review provides more information about Alterna bank, with an in-depth analysis of their leading personal finance products.

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  • Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) are fairly popular in Canada. As an investing method, they’re among the lowest risk methods available in Canada. GICs are insured in their principal amount, as well as in the interest that they accrue. This makes them a solid option for investors with lower risk-tolerance profiles that prefer conservative, safe investment options. But how does a GIC work exactly?

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  • If you own a house or a car, there’s a good chance you also own insurance. Saving and investment accounts issued by banks also come with insurance, except it doesn’t cost you any money. This insurance is known as CDIC coverage. It is issued by a federal Crown corporation called the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.

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