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Top 5 Personal Finance Stories of 2016

Personal finance is a subject we love to cover. Over the past year, we’ve had a number of stories about rewards programs, various ways to save money, and everyone’s favourite: income taxes.

Here are the top five personal finance articles of 2016:

#5: 9 Commonly Forgotten Tax Deductions and Credits
Who said taxes aren’t interesting? This article describes a number of deductions and credits that are often overlooked.

#4: Starbucks to Change Rewards Program
When one of the most popular rewards programs for caffeine addicts was changed, people were outraged.

#3: Back to School Money Hacks
In this article, a number of personal finance experts provide tips on how to save money and how to make a little extra cash while in school.

#2: The Cost of FOMO
When your friends brag about what they do on social media, sometimes you’re tempted to do the same. But there are consequences of spending money on things you don’t need.

#1: 15 Canadian Personal Finance Bloggers to Follow in 2016
Every year, we let you know which personal finance bloggers we like. If you want to find out who to follow next year, check out our blog in January.

And here are some notable stories from this year: How to Create a Budget, 3 Ways to Improve Your Personal Finances, Living a Frugal Lifestyle Without Being Cheap, and 5 Smartphone Apps That Can Save You Money.

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