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Overview of the CIBC Select Visa* Card

Card details

Annual fee
Purchase interest rate

Detailed card summary

Benefits & features

  • Transfer your credit card balance of $100 or more– Get 0% interest for up to 10 months with a 1% transfer fee† and a two year annual fee rebate†
  • Check full offer details below†
  • Transfer your credit card balance of $100 or more and get 0% interest for up to 10 months with a 1% transfer fee†
    Transfer up to 50% of your assigned credit limit†
    If you choose to carry a balance and you make your minimum payments on time, a balance transfer could save you money on interest
  • Take advantage of this 0% introductory interest rate on balance transfers of $100 or more for your first 10 months.
  • You’ll only have to pay a 1% fee† when you transfer your balance from another card to the CIBC Select Visa Card
  • This balance transfer offer is only available at the time of your online application.† Simply tick the checkbox to select the balance transfer option when you’re filling out your application.
  • Once you take advantage of this offer, you will have a promotional rate balance on your account. As a result, you will lose your interest-free grace period on new purchases unless you pay your amount due, including any promotional rate balances, in full each month. While you will enjoy the promotional rate on the balances you transfer by using this offer, new purchases will be subject to the purchase interest rate.
  • Balance transfers of amounts less than $100 are not eligible for this promotional balance transfer offer and will be subject to the regular interest rate for Cash Advances applicable to your account.
  • Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
    Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Select Visa Card with Skip.†
  • Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards
  • Link and use your CIBC Select Visa Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre† at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.†
  • Purchase Interest Rate – 13.99%
  • Ongoing Balance Transfer APR – 13.99%
  • Cash advance Interest – 13.99%
  • †Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.

How to get approved

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