Best credit cards with no foreign transaction fees
These cards give you the most rewards points, have no foreign transaction fees, and give you exclusive access to airport lounges. Apply for these cards today!
Best travel perks card
Earn up to $1,100 in value in the first 12 months with your Scotiabank Passport™ Visa Infinite* Card, including up to 35,000 bonus Scene+ points. Pay no fees on foreign transactions and get 6 complimentary lounge passes per year. $150 annual fee.
Best no annual fee card
Earn 1% cashback on eligible purchases in Canada, with no caps on cashback earned with your Home Trust Preferred Visa. Pay 0% foreign currency conversion charge on purchases abroad. No annual fee. This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.
Best everyday spending card
Earn up to $780 in value in the first 12 months with your Scotiabank®* Gold American Express® Card, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points. Pay no fees on foreign transactions. $120 annual fee.